O trabalhador e as repercussões do adoecimento e acidente de trabalho na sua vida


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present thesis had the objective to identify and analyze situations of illnesses and accidents in the workplace as well as their repercussions in the workers lives. It started from the exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach with theoretical-epistemological critical and dialectical references in order to contribute to researches referring to the workers health through studies, policies and strategies that aim at the guarantee of rights, social inclusion and emancipation. The subjects that constituted this research were ill and injured workers in consequence of work, originally from the municipality of Porto Alegre/ Rio Grande do Sul State, from 2007 to 2010. The study has involved the documental research of the notifications held in the Workers Health Notification System (SIST) of the State Bureau of Health of Rio Grande do Sul (SES/RS), has mapped the notification tools of work related accidents and illnesses used by the sector services to characterize the structure of the workers health care services, the demands in the Workers Health Policies and their ways of access and of service to the population, factors that enable or hamper the access to the social rights, and has also outlined the profile of the injured and sick workers by identifying the conditions that might be influencing situations of accidents and morbimortality. A form type instrument has also been applied, through interviews with the workers selected for the sample, identifying and analyzing the repercussions of the accident and/or illness in consequence of work in the workers lives. The survey findings show that the Notification System in Workers Health (SIST) although it constituting in an important instrument of notification of illness and accidents related to work, aiming to address the under reporting by health surveillance of workers; contradictory in practice, this has been accomplished partially with results in reducing the number of notifications, as well as filling in incomplete information, thus hampering the knowledge about the reality of injuries resulting from work. Also the study noted the absence of specific information, especially about the repercussions of the illness and accidents at work are focused on workers without direct impact on family relationships, affective, in the last analysis, in social life. In this context, which constitutes a serious social problem, actions are necessary for the production of more detailed information, to identify conditions that may be influencing the illness and accidents at work, considering that the occurrence of these conditions imply a thorough investigation to unveil the network of factorsc involved that contributed to its occurrence. Furthermore, the study points to the urgency of wide discussion in the national policy in occupational health, looking, for example, the impact that illness and accidents at work in relationships have, that is, beyond the working life. Finally, the study concluded that the fear of having an accident and worsening of the disease is closely related to the maintenance of the workplace, showing the importance that the work has in the lives of the interviewees in relation to recognition and guarantee of citizenship.


serviÇo social trabalho e trabalhadores acidentes de trabalho trabalhadores - saÚde saÚde ocupacional servico social

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