O self moderno e as virtudes republicanas no estado liberal ¿neutro¿ : revisitando o debate liberal-comunitarista a partir da filosofia política de Charles Taylor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation seeks to address the problem of the liberal-communitarian debate, based on the political philosophy of Charles Taylor. The proposal is to clarify some of the terms of the debate regarding the situation of patriotism and the republican virtues in the modern society and the supposedly "neutral" liberal State. Based on the philosophy of self Charles Taylor, the dissertation outlines the characteristics of the modern self. This self, this dissertation advocates, is proper of a particular state: the supposedly "neutral" liberal State, ie, "neutral" in the sense of denying privileges to certain lifestyles over others. And this same neutrality, in contrast, would be a mirror of the characteristics of modern self. The dissertation analyses the relationship of self with that modern liberal state called "neutral", and how typically liberal theories, or proceduralists, according to Charles Taylor, fail to recognize these relationships, leading to the belief that the modern self would not count on any source moral to keep it connected to the political society, the supposedly "neutral" liberal State which is at the same time, enabler and a reflection of modern self. The job search, finally, with the aid of the philosophy of Charles Taylor, to rescue the notion of patriotism, within the sphere of republican virtues, in order to suggest a resolution of the conflict, reestablishing the integrity of relationships between the self and the supposedly "neutral" liberal State. To that end, a bibliographical references research with emphasis on the works of Charles Taylor "Philosophical Arguments", "Sources of the Self" and "A Secular Age" has been developed, with the addition of some others. The works of Charles Taylor have been researched deeply in order to identify clearly his method, to put it in use it in this work.


self (filosofia) identity modern self estado liberal taylor, charles, 1931- liberal state neutrality communitarianism republican virtues

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