O quilombo negros de gilu em itacuruba: emergÃncia etnoquilombola e territorialidade




The aim of this study is to acquire a knowledge of the processes involved in the formation of a group and the emergence of a group identity for the purpose of obtaining legal title to the land of the Negroes of Gilu quilombo, situated in Itacuruba, state of Pernambuco, on the banks of the SÃo Francisco river. The community descends from a couple by the name of Antonio Izidoro and Maria Rufina da ConceiÃÃo, the children of slaves from the region of Quilombo dos Palmares, state of Alagoas, who migrated to the backlands of the SÃo Francisco at the end of the nineteenth century. The community has organized itself over generations and built up a network for communicating and interacting with the surrounding society, albeit without becoming diluted in it. Initially known as the Negroes of Izidoros and subsequently as the Negroes of Gilu, it is as such that they identify themselves and are identified by the society in which they are situated. In 1988, the entire riverine community of Itacuruba, including the Negroes of Gilu, were obliged to hand over their land to permit the creation of the Itaparica Lake for the functioning of the Luiz Gonzaga Hydroelectric power plant built by CHESF. The resettlements brought about the dispersal of entire populations; being deprived of their land was a severe blow to the Gilus, representing a threat to the perpetuation of this ethnic group. Later, thirteen Gilu families who had been resettled in Jeremoabo, state of Bahia, returned to the new town of Itacuruba and set in train the emergence of their group identity in order to claim their land from the Brazilian federal government. The political process of organization of the group, the recovery of its cultural heritage and its inclusion in social networks permitted the emergence of the quilombola ethnic identity of the Gilus, set on advancing their legal claim to the land from the federal government. In the ethnographic research, individual interviews and focus groups were employed, in addition to the analysis of documents for the collection of data. In contact with the native inhabitants - Gilus and the surrounding community - direct observation, accompanied by photographs and the recording of statements made by them also provided important information for the writing of this ethnographic dissertation


quilombo identidade Ãtnica emergÃncia Ãtnica antropologia emergence of an ethnic group territoriality negroes of gilu negros de gilu ethnic identity quilombo territorialidade

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