O que se faz e o que se diz: auto-relatos emitidos por terapeutas comportamentais / Whats doing and sayng: self-reports emitted by behavior therapists




The objective of the study is to verify the relations of the self-reports emitted by behavior therapists about their own behavior in the interaction with their clients and the respective behaviors that in fact had occurred. Three behavior therapists with different time of experience were selected to the research (Six months Ta, five years Tb and eight years Tc). Each therapist took care of three clients (a session each), and a total of nine sessions had been filmed and transcribed integrally. Episodes where the therapists had emitted behaviors in the relation with its clients were selected. Questions about the antecedents of such episodes had been formulated to collect the self-reports. Seven days after the session the interviewer applied the questionnaire. Different from the first two, a little before the interview, each therapist attended the film in the third session. Based on the tables with the questions for the therapists, the answers to the questions, and the literal transcription of the episode of corresponding performance to the self-report. Three independent judges had evaluated the self-reports in order to categorize in the verbal operant categories: Self-Descriptions Tact (TA), Distorted Self-descriptions Tact (TAD), Partially distorted Self-Descriptions Tact (TAPD) and Other Self-Descriptions Tact (TAO). The results indicated a prevalence of categories TAD and TAPD. Ta presented the highest indexes of distortion of the self-reports followed by the Tb. Both had presented frequencies of unstable performances. Therapist c presented the smallest indexes of distortions and the most steady performance, besides being the only one that said that didnt remind what had been done or spoken in the session. The sequence of improvement of performance in view speciality the reduction of distorted self-reports of the therapists follows the sequence of the experience time. Ta presented high degree of correspondence in the three therapists. There are indications of avoidance in affirmations on not remembering of what had been done by probable increase of aversive function in the emission of such answer. The self-reports collected in the present study indicate high incidences of imprecision and examples of high degree of precision. These two-way results corroborate the behavior theory: self-reports on the past tend to be inexact or, on the other hand, they can ahead of determined reinforcing contingencies to present high degree of precision.


self-description tact tato auto-descritivo psicologia terapia comportamental behavior therapy auto-relato self-report

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