O professor diante do espelho : constituição de um instrumento para pesquisa e formação continuada de professores de ciências




This dissertation presents a research work, considered as a formative research work, which occurred in an institutional environment inserted in a context represented by the Pedagogical Coordination of a private high school of the Federal District. This school is already carrying out a proposal which enhances the continuous formation of its teachers and this activity was partially given over to a joint work university-school which is now described. An instrument for reflection of the didactic praxis and continuous professional formation was put into practice with the teachers and by means of the instrument so developed and while being developed to make possible to consolidate a continuous process of improvement of the dynamicity of the classroom work. The origin the problem lies on the lack of articulation between the teachers and the school itself, where subtle ways of resistance to participate in collective works were detected by the group. A priori, we admitted that the teachers, as co- authors of the research process, could introduce new roles to the work of continuous formation within the school. In the defense of the collaborative research work, it is emphasized the teachers insertion in the center of the continuous formation as authors and protagonists, as opposed to the prescriptive and doctrinarian forms of professional conduct. It is depicted the case experienced by a group of teachers of this school, a student of a masters degree course and a professor of the University of Brasilia who dared to invert the logic of the conventional programs of continuous formation to become actors in their own right. The group could be said to become a movement which displaced the teachers from their places to another place where a new image was created both of himself and of the event experienced. Based on the analogy of the self-image in the mirror, it was noticed that the image did not represent the image of the subject in his daily life. In front of a mirror, we pose as someone else and see just what we wish to see, but not ourselves; what we want the others to see (BAKTIN, 1997). In the group, the others appear to us as a mirror with no reflective surface. In a mirror with no reflection, the light becomes refracted and the image produced can be seen inside the mirror. Inside the mirror, the teacher saw, for instance, the indifference towards the student and a whole scenario at the background which was not noticed previously. This new image made him change his practice. The experience the group had been through revealed the result of a work directed to the continuous formation which takes into consideration, at first place, the teachers own life. The emphasis on the teachers humanity favors the change of its practice and the students is no longer taken as an object, a number in a school diary, but a human being with their dreams and anguish. This experience serves as reference which brought about the restructuring of the work organization dynamicity of the continuous formation of that school beginning 2006.


formação continuada de professores ensino-aprendizagem pesquisa colaborativa

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