O processamento sintático de orações relativas por brasileiros aprendizes de inglês como L2 / O processamento sintático de orações relativas por brasileiros aprendizes de inglês como L2


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The idealization and construction of this quantitative and experimental work are justified on the contribution proposal with the Linguistic research of Brazil, being emphasized the importance of Experimental Psycholinguistics in a sub-branch, the Linguistic Processing. It is important highlight that this research we make possible to discuss and to observe certain point even as the syntactic processor of the language, the parser habitually behaves in a differentiated reality of the one that acts. From this point on, several questions are lifted up. Would the parser use the same strategy used in the speaker s native L1 (language) to process content of L2? What would happen when the processor was begun to analyze a L2 possessor s of divergent parameters of L1 content? How the language processor resist processing syntactic would structures no corresponding or simply no existent in the L1? Would it be possible that items as work memory and proficiency level of the L2 learners could influence somehow in this processing? We will discuss with larger robustness on those and other subjects in elapsing of the work.


linguistica processamento linguístico psicolinguistica aprendizes de l2 l2 learners linguistic processing psicolinguistics

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