O procedimento didático do ensino com pesquisa na sala de aula do ensino médio




The present study of objective case to point the contribution that the didactic procedure of education with research brings for the learning of the pupil of Average in High School. The searched school is situated in the Prado Velho quarter, the city of Curitiba (PR) and possesss the education based on the research as north axle of its pedagogical project, conditions that allowed make reference to reference the conceptions to educate for the research of Pedro Demo, of methodological procedure of Newton Cesar Balzan, the association enter education and research of Maria Isabel da Cunha and the use of the research as methodology in the formation of professors of Marli Elisa Dalmazo Afonso de André, beyond other. With support of these authors and to the light of quantitative the qualitative research, the pedagogical person who orientates, year as and professor was interviewed pupil of this level of education. The data, collected by means of an interview to the person who orientates, a questionnaire half-structuralized to the professors and 196 pupils of as the year, had indicated that education with research is an important didactic procedure and necessary for the understanding and deepening of the contents of you discipline them and potenciation of the learning, leading the pupils to consult more the Internet, to search more reading and to ask more during the lessons. It is distinguished, in the optics of the pupils, the essentiality of the orienting, competent, stimulator professor to be, clearly in the exposition, demanding patient and it pupil to make research. Happened of these facts, the request of a new position of the professor in its relation of classroom, in the intention of differentiated pedagogical practical one, way not to confuse education with research with the simple copy of contents removed of the Internet, similar books or for the production of pertaining to school works. This new attitude has to have with the construction of pedagogy where if it demands a redefinition of the man and the professional of education that if it desires to form. While professional of the learning, one of the first steps for this transformation can be of professor as researcher of practical its.


ensino médio pesquisa educacao professores - formação aprendizagem

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