O PNBE/2005 na Rede Municipal de Ensino de Belo Horizonte: uma discussão sobre os possíveis impactos da política de distribuição de livros de literatura na formação de leitores




This research describes and investigates some possible impacts from the public literature distribution policy- School Library National Program - PNBE -, on the formation of literary readers. The PNBE/2005 was selected as the research corpus for the presented study, which differed from previous editions in three factors. The first factor is the return of the distribution of books for collective use in school libraries; the second one is the books graphic-editorial alterations and the third one, the possibility of books choices received by the school professionals. A personal form was filled up in all municipal schools libraries of Bello Horizonte city to collect data. On this research some characteristics are analyzed, such as: the library professionals knowledge about the Program; the books choices experiences; the efficiency in books distribution to school libraries; the books availability; and the literature reading activities developed in the school environment after the arrival of the material. Studies in the area of literature, readers formation and literary reading were used in these analyses as theoretical referential. It was confirmed that although the library personnel acknowledge the arrival of the books, they still did not have enough knowledge about the Program and its objectives, and also regarding the readers formation policy that guides it. It was observed the efficiency in the books distribution, which has allowed literary work to be closer to the underprivileged students. Nevertheless, literature reading activities developed in the school library are mostly delayed due to the effort of trying to give the students and teachers the opportunity to have the books in hands through several strategies of books accessibility. The analysis has also revealed some impediments to the development of projects and practices that allow the formation of literature readers in the school library environment: the lack of time of the library professionals due to work overload of office work, such as: cataloguing, lending and borrowing tasks and organizing the books; the disincentive generated by the lack of appreciation felt by the personnel towards their job position and a integrated project between library professionals and docents as well.


educação teses. educação e estado leitores formação. leitura. bibliotecas escolares.

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