O papel dos ativos intangíveis na obtenção de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis em bancos comerciais nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento




This study verified the role of intangible assets of commercial banks in developed and developing countries to obtain sustainable competitive advantage, or to testify if the higher amount of intangible assets, the greater sustainability of institutions would be. The research considered not only the superior average returns of the financial sector, which characterizes competitive advantage, but also its persistence over time that typifies sustainability. The rationale was based on the Vision Based on Resources (RBV), although the approach of several empirical researches was made toward economic sector business, generally excluding the financial sector. This study has its relevance represented by the novelty of the theme, whitch approuches the relation between Intangible Assets and the sustainable competitive advantage, specifically in banking institutions.


arellano-bond model intangible assets vantagem competitiva competitive advantages dados em painéis panel data modelo de arellano-bond ativos intangíveis financial industry administracao de empresas instituições bancárias

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