O papel do Ministério Público na defesa do direito à saúde da pessoa com transtorno mental autora de delito: um estudo de caso.




In this study, we try to describe the performance of the Ministério Público Estadual da Bahia (MPE-Ba) in the defense of the right to health services, assured by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, to people with mental disorders who practiced criminal acts. Even though, the federal Law 10.216/2002 recommends that mental healthcare be provided in communitarian and family bases, usually, the juridical procedures determine the compulsory hospitalization, under premises that the psychiatrichospital care would restrain the danger to society represented by these people. Our objective was to describe the the MPE-Ba actions, began in February 2003, when a crisis had been installed in the Hospital de Custódia e Tratamento (Judicial Psychiatric Hospital). This crisis has resulted in injuries to patients health and dignity. The intervention of the MPE-Ba has led to the celebration of a legal compromise Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta , that stipulates measures of physical recuperation and reorientation of practices to overcome the hospital critical situation and to preserve the wellbeing of the internal population. These measures, proposed by a inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary professional group, are not to postpone the needed changes in the legal paradigms which will allow that people with mental disorders who practiced criminal acts beneficiate of mental healthcare practices in tune with the ideal of the Psychiatric Reform.


internação psiquiátrica compulsória doente mental autor de delito patient mental author offence ministério público mental health judicial psychiatric hospital saúde mental hospital de custódia e tratamento psiquiátrico compulsory psychiatric hospital saude publica ministério público

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