O Panóptico de Yone: astúcias e táticas contra o poder disciplinar nos espaços de controle da escola




This paper deals stating from Foucautian theoretical assumptions with the power relations and political tecnologies at work in the Escola Municipal Professora Yone Nogueira, located in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, particularly on the disciplinar power and its mechanisms on time, space and body control. Such school has become study object, not only because it is where I have studied and work as History Teacher, but also because its sui generis achitecture, heritage of panoptical model, built to be a realization of the perfect control utopia. Within this achitecture of circular power, where all bodies have their reserved spaces as a form to keep them under permanent control , many teachers, students and administrative workers end by losing their work perspectives and objectiveness or even presenting feelings of discomfort at work. Besides, disciplinatory agents are permanently acting, and, by hierachical vigilance, the exam and normalizing sanction, bodies are developed at maximum productive potential, while rebellion potentials are reduced. The school manufactures subjects through intense and permanent subjection processes. Michel de Certeau is of great value to comprehend many subtle forms, which are daily invented by the school community members who are not mere passive consumers, but transform that space with their daily praxis, inventing new relations, intensificating life. On the attempt to realize experiences of freedom which turn life into art, and to reinforce horizontalized friendship bonds, some school usuaries turn out to develop an aesthetics of existance, result of a collective and not-hierarchical work upon each other. Even within disciplinary institutions planned to be perfect in working it is possible to create temporary autonomous zones, true heteropias, where real experiences of freedom can be lived. This work reports all that reality and points out the experimental and libertary theatre as an widening display of gaps in disciplinary power, and potentializer of singular subjectivation processes.


tatics poder disciplinar educacao quotidian astutenesses táticas cotidianas astúcias education disciplinary power

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