O osso e o sopro: uma introdução à teoria da pintura chinesa do período das Seis Dinastias / The bone and breath: an introduction to Chinese painting theory during the Six Dinasties period


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research describes the development of the theory of painting during the Six Dynasties, which occupies the period from the 229 to 589 of the present era. We discuss four main theories: Gu Kaizhi, Zong Bing, Wang Wei and Xie He. Moreover, we present a direct translation from Chinese into the texts of each author studied. Throughout our analysis we will try to demonstrate the links of continuity between the various theorists, basing ourselves on the textual evidence. Moreover, we emphasize the fact that this is the period that forms a theory of Chinese painting. The initial period of the history of this theory is the subject of this research


teoria da pintura chinesa história da arte historia da arte pintura chinesa história teses gu, kaizhi, 344-405 crítica e interpretação teses zong, bing, 375-443 crítica e interpretação teses wang, wei, 415-443 crítica e interpretação teses xie, he, fl479-501 crítica e interpretação teses chinese painting chinese painting theory art history pintura chinesa

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