O léxico dos trabalhadores na produção artesanal de fogos em Muniz Ferreira - Ba.




This descritive work attempts to register and to analyse the lexicon used by the workers of the firework rustic factories in Muniz Ferreira, state of Bahia, based on principles of the Dialectology, Sociolinguistic, Etnolinguistic and Lexicology. To collect the oral corpus, it was intended to select twelve workers who were born in Muniz Ferreira or who were living in there for one third of their age. They were arranged in three groups, according to the fallowing ages: 20-35 years old, 36-50 years old and more than 50 years old. They were enquired about the different phases of the manufacturing fireworks process, according to the kinds of fireworks. The semantic and lexical analysis of the terms related to this economic activity, which were grouped in lexical fields, and the observation of external linguistic factores revealed how this factores influenced the creation, the use, the meaning and the variation of the lexicon. The study demonstrate the lexicon used by the workers assembles lexis that already were estabelished in general language use; lexis that already exist in the language and whose meanings were extended; and neologic lexis.


lexicologia lexical fields fireworks dialectology campos léxicos etnolinguistic etnolingüística fogos de artifício lexicon sociolinguistic sociolingüística linguistica historica dialectologia lexicology

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