O indio na midia impressa em Roraima




This research pretends to reflect over t he construction of the image of the Indian in the written media in Roraima, through the use of iconographic representations, followed or not by texts (charges and photographic reports), as a means to understand the contribution of the press for the constitution of the image of the Indian in the imaginary of the society of Roraima. Our reflection followed the path of the struggle of the Indians for their rights. As background of the research we show relevant aspects of the local Indian problematic, trying to understand the constant conflicts which occurred in the State of Roraima, generating situations of inter-ethnical violence. We researched three newspapers edited in Boa Vista, capital of the State of Roraima. Two are published daily: Folha de Boa Vista and O Diário and one is a weekly publishing, A Gazeta de Roraima. In our research we selected journalistic topics about the Indian following three thematic axles: land demarcation in the Raposa/Serra do Sol reservation, the case "Haximu", occurred in 1993 and the land conflicts. The choice fell upon the matters which had photos or charges linked to the text, which contained credits of the matter and of the photo. Ali journalistic, photographic and illustrative material was ordered on files, in which we introduced information which identified each matter. Photos and charges were recorded on CO-ROM, organized in chronological order by newspaper and period, in the three thematic axles. Ouring our studies we found two images of Indians built by the journalistic matters: the first points at a more ancient concept of savage in which a stereotyped, prejudiced and discriminatory vision is revealed. This construction, seen along these six years, is reinforced by the charges, in which we see the defenseless and incapable Indian, needing the support of the white men society in order to survive. Our finding is a new image, which originates from the movements of demarcation of the Raposa/Serra do Sol reservation. Here we see a demanding Indian, fighting for autonomy, land ownership and survival rights. No longer does he accept the interference of people, religious entities, governmental organs for Indian defense, nor of authorities linked to the Indian cause. T his image, which is closer to actual reality, was captured through the photo-reports. In our analysis we observed that the charge, being a creation of the designer, reveals the interpretation of the author according to the order of the day of the editorship of the newspaper, and can be of easy manipulation, thus corresponding to the desires of the editors of the press organs. On the other hand, as to the photographic element (although it can aIso suffer such process), we notice t hat the photo-reports show the facts in the heat of the moment, revealing the Indian as a social and political actor who leads the demanding fight, thus corresponding to the contemporary participation of the Indian in the local political struggles.


antropologia visual jornais brasileiros indios - roraima - etnologia fotografia na etnologia jornalismo - roraima

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