O incompreensível ruído que nos persuade: imagens do passado e da mídia no romance contemporâneo Corazón tan blanco .




The dichotomy between high art and popular art was mostly the element that opposites modernist and post-modernist movements in the twentieth century. If modernism was characterized by its political opposition to mass culture, regarded as representative of bourgeois capitalism, post-modernism attitude towards mass culture is more flexible. The contemporary art mixes elements from serialized industry with texts from western classical heritage by means of intertextual, intersemiotic and parodic procedures. When post-modernism uses the industrial element with the canonic art object, it questions this separation and, as a result, the borders between classic and popular vanish. Post-modern novels play a fundamental role in this fact because, by means of intersemiotical experimentation and renovations of narrative forms, they present an intensive self-reflexivity that questions our way of understanding the experience and forces our trespassing of established aesthetic models. The references to western classic works of art from several periods (Greco-Roman Antiquity, Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-classicism) function as counterpoint to the discomfort, fidget, spalling and multiplicity of modern life, for giving rise to ways of representation of eras where the man was the measure of all things in the world. Javier Marías?s Spanish novel Corazón tan blanco is an example of a fictional narrative that movements not only signs from the image industry ? television, cinema, video ? but also from classical tradition of western painting. Velázquez and Rembrant?s pictures, Dürer?s illustrations, Shakespearean drama Macbeth, provide erudition to the novel and increase the dialog between classical art and popular novel in the representation of mans fidget and perplexity in face of the indifferent, oppressive contemporary world.


twentieth-century fiction ficção-século xx literatura espanhola corazón tan blanco arte na literatura corazón tan blanco cultura popular de massa arte clássica letras post-modernism popular mass culture classical art pós-modernismo spanish literature

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