O homem-placa e o pixman: uma análise de duas ferramentas publicitárias que utilizam o corpo como suporte midiático / The placardman and the pixman: a study on two marketing tools which make use of the human body as media aid




The present research is about the placardman and the pixman, two marketing tools which make use of the human body as media aid. The sandwichmen men, rarely women walk around the streets of commercial centers in big cities draped in two wooden placards, announcing several products and services such as the selling of gold or the buying of subway and employee meal subsidy tickets. The pixman, known in Brazil as the digital placardman, is a new marketing system which uses the human body to carry around high-technology devices which generate and reproduce information and entertainment. The challenge on this research lies on knowing the real appeal of this kind of media: which are its strong and weak features? What does it hide? A human body? A history? How does the interaction between public and placard take place? What about the interaction between public and the apparatus used in the pixman technique? We search to understand the body-placard interactions, the new technological communication and information devices, the space, the image and the media. This way, we search to study the human body as signal aid to marketing language: the human body in marketing, its importance to marketing and its use in marketing support. The study also aims to provide material for the comprehension of a media technology whose main feature is the mobility. By being revitalized by marketing, the sandwichman leads to the origin of the pixman, a unique communication technique which works with primary media (the human body), secondary media (non-electronic devices) and the tertiary one (electronic devices). This work, which has a multidisciplinary character, is based on Harry Pross, Dietmar Kamper and Ivan Bystrinas media theory, on Hans Belting and Vilém Flussers image theory, on Norval Baitello Júniors iconofagic theory, on David Le Breton and Cleide Riva Campelos body theories and on Muniz Sodré and Lucrécia DAléssio Ferraras concepts on technology and communication innovations. The comparison between the placardman and the pixman set an important methodological research strategy. The analysis of the object of study provided the perception of how the bodies that work with mobile media technologies succumb to the power of images, becoming images themselves. The comparison made also clear that publicity experts invest in mobile media technologies as a way of interpellating the consumer, since the unstoppable image reproduction has weakened the appeal power of conventional advertisement. We have concluded, therefore, that the marketing industry will increasingly use body-supported media devices, giving mobility to new strategies to reach consumer


pixman body mídia imagem cartazes corpo homem-sanduíche publicity pixman image publicidade comunicacao corpo humano -- aspectos simbolicos media sandwichman

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