O Grupo CoMtePus e a dança frouxa: (re)looking at deconstructionist thinking-doing in dance.




This is an investigation of deconstructivist perspective, its occurrence and application in Dance, using as field of observation the Grupo CoMteMpu‟s Linguagens do Corpo, created in 2005 by the author together with other dance artists from Salvador, Bahia. Its principal methodological strategy is the Pesquisa-ação (research-action), following the work of Michel Thiollent, and the author is one of the subjects of the research. It is an interdisciplinary and qualitative study that crosses the field of performing arts, especially dance, with philosophy and cultural studies. The theoretical foundation is based principally on the deconstructivist perspective of Jacques Derrida, linked with other authors and scholars in contemporaneity, dance, body, culture, and aesthetics, such as: Stuart Hall, Henri-Pierre Jeudy, Eliana Rodrigues Silva, Laurence Louppe, Paulo César Duque-Estrada, Homi Bhabha, Luige Pareyson, among others. It raises the issue that dance is still read as a process of (re)production and preservation of aesthetic models that remit a mechanic idea of the body that reaffirms the thinking-doing logic. The hypothesis of the thesis presents the deconstruction as a continuous movement of afrouxamento (can be translated as loosely or to play) of thinking-doing in dance as a post-colonial posture, evidenced by the rise of a choreographic organization without a priori canons and of a field in a artistic-political-routine ready state: the Dança Frouxa (Loosing Dance) and the Corpo Zeza (Zeza Body) perspectives encountered in the artistic purposes of Grupo CoMteMpu‟s. The proposal presents intersections with postcolonial studies about the body and dance with the objective of contributing to an approach of critical and multifaceted aesthetics of thinking-doing choreography.


desconstrução dance post-colonial processo de criação em dança deconstruction creative process in dance pós-colonial teatro

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