O grupo como estrategia de sobrevivencia : configurações vinculares de crianças na favela




This research treated of link configurations engendered by a childrem group that lived in the slum of Pirambu located in Forta1eza Ceará. It was accomplished by participant observation, and based on clinic qualitative method. Fifteen observation sessions were analysed, among thirty nine realized, at the foresaid group, that was composed by thirty two children, with ages varying from six to twelve years old, and who attended the communitarian school integrated the House of Child. Themesinherents the group psychodynamic were registered during my participation. I considered, relatively the members, their behavior, verbal and joke expressions, directed or free, in the c1assroom, in the refectory and the area destined for recreation, that allowed me to stand out appealing questions almost the plurality data, searching to decipher their meanings. The analytic process of entailment was organized in the following categories: 1 )child with central persons; 2)child with child; 3)child with group; 4)child with task 5)child with external world; 6)objection transference of teachers; and. 7)objection transference of researcher. Their contents were understood conform the group analytic theory, when were utilized, more specifically, the ideas of Winnicott related to: a)the group as transitional and potential space; and b )the objection-social tendency. I synthesize the discoveries this research, that are inaplicables for generalizations, in the item reserved to final considerations, where I emphasize, too,. the necessity of united social and professional engagement related to creation of entails again, that shall be, effectively, favorables for everybody forever. Their resuls revealed the acquaintance, in the specific context of community, appeared to represent an significant emotional base for children, in spite of exc1usive, violent and chaotical society where they were inserted. They established solidary links with others, even if their histories had revealed archaic and primitive emotional privations. Stressed demonstrations of objection-social tendency weren t noted, but episodic actings of objection-social tendency relating to stealings of little dimensions, and different ways of destruction. The scholar group and the bigger social body of Pirambu where the Project of Mental Health Four Sticks were established, shaped as universes that activated primordial ambits of motherly holding related to the physics structure and affective support again. Friends, teachers and. communitarians appeared to have instigating transition in the space that transfonned itself in joyful and therapeutic because it propitiates creation and reciprocality. It was observed the group constructed affections and preserved for itself an grateful human possibility of new structure


psicanalise de grupo comunidade terapeutica psicanalise infantil

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