O estético em Fazenda Modelo : novela pecuária, de Chico Buarque




The study accomplished in this dissertation looked to in-crease the value Chico Buarques esthetic project in Fazenda Modelo: novela pecuária (1975), first narrative of the author, considering that the reading done by the literary critic highlights referring political motivations to the historical context of production of Brazil of the decade of 1970, marked by the military regime. Our reading went back to the plan of narrative fiction and to the elements of composition of the assembly of the text. With the inventory of the technical choices and of creation, we could highlight the process of styling of the language and of the representation of the tension I/world by means of the mythical conversion of the reality. The course allowed to verify the marks of Chico Buarques style presents in its musical and literary production. Besides, to recognize, in the scenery of the contemporary literature, the dynamism and Fazenda Modelo: novela pecuária (1975) inventive aesthetic elaboration, creation source for its author s literary group and not a distant literary experience.


chico buarque teoria literária chico buarque literary theory narrativa de resistência resistance narrative letras literatura contemporânea contemporary literature

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