O ecodesign na marcenaria da ASMARE - BH: um estudo de caso




This thesis presents an exploratory case study which address ecodesign in a broad sense, focused on sustainability. The object of study is the carpentry factory of the Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável ASMARE located in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the context of product design, two activities have opposed in the referred carpentry: the fabrication of garbage cans (or dustbins made from recycled material, coming from external suppliers) and reuse of materials (which uses post-consumer materials to manufacture new objects). The actors understand that the production of garbage cans is easier because of the repetition of activities that present more predictable cycles in the manufacture of hundreds of pieces from the same project, which allows profitability and economic sustainability in the context. However the production from the reuse of materials requires greater effort and can generate a more diverse learning and more variety of products with higher profit margins. In this thesis the two activities are analyzed and compared qualitatively (in the product development approach) on the: social, environmental and economical dimensions for a diagnosis of which one is most suitable for ecodesign in carpentry factory, contributing to the sustainability of ASMARE.


engenharia de produção teses. mobiliário projetos teses.

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