O discurso publicitário de "lingerie da marca Duloren": um estudo semiótico




The objective of this work was to examine the construction of the image of the citizen (woman) in the announcements of lingerie of the Duloren mark (of 1997, 2000 and 2005) and which the used strategies in these announcements to persuade the readers to buy and to use the products of the Duloren mark. Three published announcements of lingerie of the Duloren in the New magazine had been analyzed, propagated in Brazil, in the theoretical perspective of the discursiva semiotics of French line. The results of the research had shown that all the analyzed levels, the announcements construct estereotipadas images of woman and had dealt with the subject to be able to have the forbidden and impossible pleasure (different forms of pleasure and prohibition). The announcements had emphasized only one trace of the feminism, that is the fight of the woman for the sexual freedom (active woman). One perceives that the constructed image of the woman in the announcements reproduces the values of the Brazilian middle class (classroom C). The research also points which had been to used the linguistic and discursivas strategies in the construction of these images.


discurso publicidade mulher advertising semiotics imagem semiótica speech letras woman image

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