O discurso dos Doutores da Alegria: análise semiótica das estratégias comunicativas junto ao público infantil




The present research aims to examine the semiotics nature of the Doutores da Alegria (Doctors of Joy) brand, to understand the communicative strategies used by enunciator of this brand to construct values and meaning produced in the relationship with a target audience, the children (enunciatee). Doutores da Alegria is a non-profit civil-society organization working with hospital humanization among hospitalized children in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Recife. Their focus is also extended to parents and healthcare professionals involved in the young patients hospitalization processes. The NGO design their performances by means of different plays, incorporating clown art, music and dance, and even inventing what they call a filosofia da besteirologia (philosophy of nonsense). This research studies the communication strategies used by Doutores da Alegria directed towards children, aimed at understanding how those strategies play a role in the construction of meaning obtained from their discourse. An observed performance by the clowns with a hospitalized child, based on situational semiotics analysis (French Semiotics), is used as a corpus. Further, we are going to carry out the analysis of the work Poemas Esparadrápicos (Band-aid Poems), created by the NGO. The results of this research will be presented in four chapters. In the first, we introduce the Doutores da Alegria brand, with a brief history of clown art, the North American organizations that started this work and the management and operation of the Brazilian entity being studied. We will also highlight some similar programmes and address their differences in comparison with this NGO. In chapter two we will review a situation syncretic text: a performance by the actors for a hospitalized child. Chapter three is developed based upon reading contract analyses, focusing on the verbal text of Poemas Esparadrápicos. The study ends with the conclusions obtained from the two analyses, discussing the Doutores strategies and the meaning effect produced on the children


comunicacao doutores da alegria doctors of joy hospital humanization doutores da alegria -- analise do discurso criancas -- cuidado hospitalar humanização hospitalar

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