O discurso amarelo: uma anÃlise crÃtica dos anÃncios de preservaÃÃo do meio ambiente




The goal of this study is to analyze the language that has been used on the advertisements of environment preservation, produced by the three sectors of society post-modern economy: entities publics, privates business and Non Profit Organizations. Show the social paperâs conflict that happens in the moment that institutions are being immersed in the system capitalism, the dominate ideology in these days and whose basic principle is the fabrication of goods. So the purpose to preserve the nature, for many reasons, is a contradiction. Therefore the intention of this search is to possibility the emergence of some hidden concepts in that discourse, using the method of Discourse Analysis, the Arqueology of Michel Foucault and some assumptions of Psicolinguistic theory. Presents important aspects of the messages construction which make evident the authorâs strategic for no obstruct the interests of the system, which hegemony depends to the citizensâs alienation


semÃntica semantic discurso letras nature publicidade ideologia discourse natureza advertisement ideology

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