O Direito Internacional dos Investimentos: o caso do mercado brasileiro de biocombustíveis / The international investment law: the case of the brazilian biofuel market.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This current paper refers to the International Investment Law. The text search for the most important principles of International Investment Law, as well as how it is this discipline is related to the energy field. As a case study, the Brazilian biofuel market was analyzed. In the first chapter, this dissertation investigates the history and development of International Investment Law, showing the modifications, debates and new trends about it. The second chapter is related to mains principles of International Investment Law, how they are applied and some controversies about them. The third chapter investigates how International Investment Law is applied in the energy sector, including the concepts and trends of International Energy Law, a field which the role of foreign investors is very important. Finally, in the last chapter this dissertation investigates the Brazilian biofuel market, relating it to the principles and concepts previously exposed in the other chapters. The focus is in the questions related to the investors. It also analyses the government regulation and it adequacy to the principles of International Investment Law


direito dos investimentos direito international law investment law biofuels biocombustíveis direito internacional

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