O direito fundamental à tutela jurisdicional / O direito fundamental à tutela jurisdicional




The subject o this master thesis is the "constitutional right of adjudication". Its objective is to define the meaning of this right by establishing its: (i) constitutional basis; (ii) normative structure; and (iii) content, by utilizing the analytical concepts of Robert Alexys theory of constitutional rights. Based on this analysis, the constitutional right of adjudication is defined as a right derived from the text of article 5th, XXXV, of the Brazilian Constitution; with the normative structure of a principle; and classified as a right to state actions aimed to the effective realization through civil procedure of ones right. Since the definitive content of this constitutional right can only be determined in concrete by the utilization of the rule of proportionality, so as to demonstrate utilization of the proposed model, three concrete cases are analyzed: (a) the constitutionality of arbitration law; (b) the constitutionality of the limitation to the concession of injunctions against the public treasury; and (c) the constitutionality of the prohibition to utilize class actions in the subject of social security and tax law.


adjudication robert alexy constitutional right principles of civil procedure proportionality direitos humanos tutela jurisdicional processo civil direito processual constitucional

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