O direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation examines one of the most recent and important guiding principles of law, included explicitly in the Constitution, which is "The Right of Reasonable Length of Process, Article 5, Item LXXVIII". Therefore, initially, this started from a study focusing on the Federal Constitution, with a brief analysis on the fundamentals rights, for, only then, enter into the "procedural world", seeking to investigate some of its concepts and examinates its institutes, rather than the actual urgency protections included in the Civil Procedure Code have a close liaison with the time factor. After, had tried to clarify what is this principle and its contribution to the legal world. Based on these studies it is possible to realize the seriousness with which should stick in the application of this principle, as one of the contributors to achieve the longed-for justice, once the lengthy procedure is seen in our times, as a major factor of non-effectiveness of judicial protection, the which, in turn, repels the access to justice. Finally, the conclusion is that the legislator took care to provide tools that facilitate the application of this principle into the factual cases.


direitos fundamentais prazos (direito) direito e processo processo civil direito processual basic rights time (law) civil procedure procedural law law and procedure

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