O direito constitucional internacional e a proteção dos direitos fundamentais




The present study has as objective to demonstrate new refIections and possible solutions for the protection of the basic rights relating Constitutionallaw and Intemationallaw. The research is centered in the Constitutional System and its relations to the Internationallaw referring to the human rights. It demonstrates that decisions in the internal system might be reviewed by International Law when they do not respect the basic rights. It is demonstrated that the opened texture of the Constitution protects at any time the human rights, especially because it admits the importance of the commission and the Inter-American Cut ofHuman Rights. The thesis centers in the internal filling of a suit of action with bedding for recommendations of the commission rescinding the considered thing and in the judicial revision of internal decisions opposite to the basic rights and the stimulation to the supranationaljurisdiction as embryo of a bold treated project of one will amplest, one where if economic, cultural, social questions argue, structural politics and amongst others


brasil -- direito constitucional direitos fundamentais direito internacional proteção dos direitos fundamentais direito

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