O design como diferencial competitivo para alavancar as exportações das pequenas e médias empresas do setor moveleiro




This present research has in view as its main subjective the validation if design leverage the exportation of furniture produced by small and medium sized enterprises of Curitiba and Região Metropolitana, aiming its application as strategy for increase the competitive of theses enterprises. In this way, the research defines how design can contribute to this competitive advantage, evidencing the relationship between this concept and enterprises business strategies. To do this, it was appropriated identified how design, through its competitive differentials quality, ergonomic and style could contribute to leverage the external sales. This research happens with qualitative methodology, sustained by the referenced bibliography, searching extract the best practices of small and medium sized enterprises. Based on the strategic model to measuring the exportation performance proposed by Aaby and Slater (1988), the study identifies the variables that influence the exportation. From this, it was proposed a Conceptual Model, which objective is validity three hypotheses: enterprise characteristics, design strategies and exportation performance. It is about, therefore, a descriptive exploratory study, which form is qualitative, using the application of interviews semi-structured. Starting from the analyses of the data, collected in the enterprises that fitted in the needed profile, was possible to understand how design could contribute to the increase of exportation.


indústria de móveis exportação desenho industrial pequenas e médias empresas engenharia de producao concorrência

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