O desenvolvimento profissional dos egressos do curso de pedagogia da UnC/Mafra




This research has as object to investigate the professional development of the students of the course of Pedagogy at the Contestado University, Campus Mafra, with the basic subject: How is the professional development of the students of the course of Pedagogy at UnC/Mafra given? is the objective of the research to analyze the professional development of the students of the course of Pedagogy, and for that they were established as specific objectives: to identify the professional activity accomplished by the students of the course of Pedagogy of UnC/Mafra, to aim the trajectory of this formation course and its relationship with the scenery of the course of Pedagogy in Brazil, to identify the progresses of the course in this existence period and of the educator s formation. The research involved students of the course of Pedagogy of the Contestado University, that it is a Educational Foundation in the State of Santa Catarina, installed on the north plateau of Santa Catarina and the west area of the state, embracing a third of the total area of the state, with five University Campi in operation in the cities of Caçador, Canoinhas, Concordia, Curitibanos and Mafra. The approach of the research is qualitative and for the collection of the data close to the students a questionnaire was used, involving the graduatings of the course in the years of 1995, 2000 and 2005. The application of the questionnaire favored contacts with students that were disposed to grant new contributions, through referring reports their formation and professionalization. The research investigated about the professional performance in the educational area of the students, while students and after the formation in the course of Pedagogy. It also looked for subsidies of the relationship theory and practice unchained starting from the process of formation of the course, continuous formation and social participation of the students. The main used theoretical references were Scheibe, Aguiar, Freitas, besides the texts produced starting from the national encounters of ANFOPE. The analysis of the results points that in the researched universe, the main area of professional performance of the students is the teaching, especially in the group of students of the year of 1995. The students that participated in the research manifests interest for the performance in the teaching, and the ones that didn t still have the opportunity of they act as teachers is frustrated. With relationship to the continuous formation, it was verified that all the researched students participated in training courses and they also concluded already specialization, in level of Post Graduation, looking main for the courses that pose to offer subsidies its educational practice. It was also identified starting from the data collected the students close to, that in the field of the research, UnC/Mafra is still deficit in programs and investments, because the only opportunity of pointed research was the elaboration of the work of course conclusion.


educacao education, higher professores - formação ensino superior teachers educação - dissertações education

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