O desempenho da manufatura enxuta : o caso da empresa Ognibene, nas unidades de Caxias do Sul - Brasil e Reggio Emilia - Itália


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




From the studies performed by Shingo (1996), Ohno (1997), and Womack &Jones (1998), this essay aimed to identify the factors that influence the performance of the lean manufacturing at Ognibene Company, in the view of its employees and management staff, in the Brazilian and Italian locations. Based on this target, this study tried to relate the elements of lean manufacturing, its importance level, the understanding level of managers and employees about the five principles of lean manufacturing, and make proposals to complement its current application. To achieve the objectives, this research applied the descriptive quantitative methodology, with exploratory character, operationalized through a case study. The obtained results show the identification of the lean manufacturing elements applied at Ognibene Company, and the conclusion demonstrates that the objectives of this essay were achieved, contributing for a better comprehension of the lean manufacturing and the gains that can be acquired with its application.


administracao manufatura enxuta sistema toyota de produção valor cadeia de suprimentos processos de fabricação administração da produção lean manufacturing toyota production system value supply chain manufacturing processes production management

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