O currÃculo cultural das histÃrias em quadrinhos: EmÃlia e a Turma do SÃtio na Cartilha da NutriÃÃo do Fome Zero.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Currently the stories in comics are much more accepted as artistic and cultural production by increasingly larger portions of society, being treated as an educational tool, teaching very effective, possessing the ability, through its cultural curriculum of fun, a way forward for be, feel, live and to behave in the world. This study examines the comic magazines distributed free to schools by the Federal Government and state and municipal entitled: EmÃlia e a Turma do SÃtio na cartilha da nutriÃÃo no Fome Zero. A project of the Zero Hunger Program, in which the MDS - Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger - has a contract with the Editora Globo, and had the technical support of FNDE (National Fund for Development of Education) and the Ministries of Health and Education to produce an educational material with the characters of the Turma do SÃtio do Picapau Amarelo, addressing the importance of healthy eating habits and based on regional products, coupled with regular practice of physical activity as essential conditions for the promotion of food security and nutrition.


educacao currÃculo alimentaÃÃo histÃrias em quadrinhos curriculum food comics histÃrias em quadrinhos na educaÃÃo - genibaÃ(fortaleza,ce) nutriÃÃo - estudo e ensino(ensino fundamental) - genibaÃ(fortaleza,ce) crianÃas - nutriÃÃo - genibaÃ(fortaleza,ce) projeto crianÃa saudÃvel - educaÃÃo dez programa fome zero(brasil)

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