O controle da fertilidade no contexto histórico e algumas considerações sobre o caso brasileiro


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The number of women opting for sterilisation as a method of contraception has grown substantially in the last two decades in Brazil, reaching alarming levels today. Looking for a better comprehension of this fact, this study explores the factors that have contributed to the elevation of the importance of fertility control in the occidental world. The analytical framework begins with the hypothesis that this phenomenon is not an isolated random event, but one of the results of the world we have been creating for ourselves. It is related to the changes in how people organise themselves since the source of the idea of the individual and privacy. The growth of the social arena as a specifc field. The speculation about sexuality. The hygienic family. The development of medicine. The appearance of specialties dedicated to regulating private and public life, in particular the practice of professions with the prefix "psy." The modem demands and expectations that have arisen from all these occurrences. In this way, the practice of fertility control involves both objective and subjective aspects that can not be excluded from this subject to better understand the phenomena. This study seeks to call attention to the need to evaluate the characteristics of the practice of contraception in Brazil. Before seeking solutions to the problem, it is important ~not to neglect the values of the worlds we have created for ourselves and the significance that contraceptive choices have on women


psicologia esterilização feminina contracepção controle de natalidade saúde pública

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