O comportamento da lateral pósvocálica em posição de coda no falar Tocantinense: uma análise variacionista




This work had as objective to analyze the process of variation of the lateral postvocalic /l/ in syllabic position of coda in the speech of Araguatins, state of Tocantins. The sample was constituted of interviews of approximately one hour of duration with 36 speakers, divided by sex, age and educational level, we correlate to these extralinguistic variables the structural variables: preceding phonological context, following phonological context, extension of word, position of the lateral and stressing. In the process of computational analysis, through the GOLDVARB, they had been selected by stepping up as relevant, in a hierarchic order, the variables: preceding phonological context, stressing, sex, extension of word, educational level, following phonological context and age. 3256 occurrences had been computed, being 2961 occurrences of the semi-vocalized lateral [w]; e 295 of deletion [Ø]. The presence of posterior vowel, in particular [u], in the Preceding phonological context did not favor, decisively, the implementation of the rule of vocalization of the post-vocalic lateral /l/. Due to the following phonological context, the vowels and the labial consonants had conditioned the deletion, in the other hand the pause was supporter to the vocalization. It was also proven that how much bigger the phonic mass bigger the propensity of the deletion of the lateral, similar situation happens when the lateral is post-tonic syllable. For social variable sex, we can say that men have favored much more the deletion of lateral in comparison with women. In the analysis of the influence of the variable educational level, it became clear that the more educated is the informant more likely occurs the maintenance of semi-vocalized variant of /l/ post-vocalic. The results for age, showed us that there is currently in Araguatins a certain stability in the use of /l/ in in syllabic position of coda in all age groups.


process of variation deletion apagamento variáveis estruturais processo de variação structural variables lateral post-vocalic lateral pós-vocálica linguistica

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