O capitalismo dependente em Fernando Henrique Cardoso




The purpose of this work is to c1earlyreveal the intelectual elaboration of the theme "dependent capitalism" as it is presented in Femando Henrique Cardoso s work. The method used was the immanent analysis of his writings dated from the sixties and early seventies, which we consider the most fruitful period for that theoretical production. We attempted to show that his theoretical perspectives are rooted in Max Weber s thought, while Marx s theories lie subordinate to it in the author s interpretations. We emphasized that his theoretical fundamentaIs are supported by the political sphere, and its structure is examined under the concept of political alliance and correlation of politica! forces, which are emphasized to such an extent that leads the economic sphere to be subsumed to it. The notion of dependency that guides the author s research and analysis reveals his purpose of reducing the determination that the imperialist capital imposes over the peripheral countries - and therefore over Brazil - in order to bring up a possibility of dependency that retains political control within these countries. Accordingly, he creates a specific relationship in the economic sphere, referred to as "internalization of externa1market", that constitutes the theoretical basis for him to deprive these countries subordination of its real characteristics


imperialismo dependencia politica economica

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