O bairro da Mooca: traços culturais para projetos de requalificação urbana / The district of the Mooca: cultural aspects for projects of urbane requalification




This work purposes a reading over Moocas urban aspects, analyzing the needs for interventions that contribute for the appearing of new contexts, through bringing the collective memory back and its representation in São Paulos identity. The town recognition and the afford given by the actions from the government give us instruments to understand and discuss the viability of the urban intervention processes in the region. These processes are joined to question overcame models, which have been suggested, but do not permit or with no relation to a more singular investigation on each towns reality, because these past methods present themselves as rules able to be applied to any city. We notice that the continuous urban transformation is similar to cyclical processes of permanence and destruction, creating significant elements for the everyday life, which are basis for urban renovations. So, making urban rehabilitation, revitalization and recovering, as re-qualifying processes, consists in moving communities away from social-spatial segregation and urban degradation, collaborating for the creation of new questions and discussions in the retinue and evaluation of the evolutional urban process.


intervenção urbana identidade paulistana urban intervention re-qualifying processes são paulo s identity everyday life processos requalificatórios vida cotidiana

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