O amor no feminino: ocultamento e/ou revelação? / The feminine love: secret and/or revealed?




"How does the reflection of non-integration between private and public life affect a woman’s love and sexual relationship considering her identity as a lover" is the starting point, which guides the present research on heterosexual love. The object of study is the experience of loving and sexual relationships not integrated to the social life as a whole, as a result of some kind of embarrassment or pressure. Data on stories of the love life of three women from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, were collected during the interviews carried out and used as the corpus of this research work, which is based on the qualitative approach and fits into the comprehensive focus. Mixed case studies were used as the mode of investigation, which represents the basis for the developed approach. Under the phenomenological point of view of understanding the meaning of the interviews and the relevance of the phenomena for the women interviewed, their life experiences in their unique form of expression are interpreted and explained. It was concluded that the revelation of the loving relationship - when it is made public - produces psychological benefits for the women, which go beyond the effects of releasing the tension of a secret relationship. The results obtained from this revelation became part of the process involved in attaining emotional and personal maturity, thus reflecting in the loving relationship. Besides, it could be said that: (a) what is more significantly understood as love involves, fundamentally Eros and Philia; (b) love is communication; to feel integrated in a loving relationship is to be in an intermediate, personal and silent communication in the winnicotian sense; (c) the sense of humor and play are essential to a significant loving relationship and this requires to live according to the true self.


phenomenology amor relações homem-mulher fenomenologia creativity criatividade love male-female relations

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