Nutrição e ecologia nutricional de cervídeos brasileiros em cativeiro e no Parque Nacional das Emas - Goiás / Nutrition and nutritional ecology of brazilian cervids in captivity and in the Emas National Park - Goias




There are limited data on energy requirements of brazilian cervids. Thus, it is difficult to succeed in their management and reproduction in captivity. Knowing the energy requirements is also important to determine the necessary nutritional resources for their conservation in parks and reserves. The first objective was to study the nutritional requirements of the grey-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) in captivity. The second objective was to observe the feeding behavior of the pampas-deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Emas National Park (ENP), describing qualitatively and quantitatively the main vegetal species used to supply these animals with nutrients. The determination of energy requirements for maintenance used 8 gray-brocket deer of both sexes in captivity and was carried through two methods: a)weight equilibrium and b)double-labeled water (2H2 18O). The animals were dosed with double-labeled water (111.8 mg/kgBW for 2H2O and 163.1 mg/kgBW for H2 18O) and blood samples were collected with 3 days interval, until 3 or 4 half lives of isotopes had occurred (reached limit of detection at approximately 30 days after the dosage). The curves of isotopes disappearance as a function of time were used to calculate the turnover of CO2 and H2O. The results obtained from the two methods were similar (111.4 and 112.0 kcal/kg.75.d) proving the double-labeled water technique may be used in nutritional studies of cervids. Information on doses (mg/kgBW) and maximum interval between injection and blood collection (30days), allow the use of this methodology in future studies with free ranging deer. In the national park, pampas-deer already monitored with radio colars, facilitated the observation of their feeding behavior. The experiment was conducted at two distinct seasons (winter and summer). The species were analyzed for the nutritional composition, to estimate energy values as well as mineral and protein consumption. The contributions of the different species to the diet of the cervids were estimated for two free ranging populations of the national park, one with access only to native species (central area of the park) and another with access to the crop species cultivated in the periphery of the park. The isotopic signals of carbon 13 and profiles of n-alkanes were used to quantify the contribution of different species to supply the energy demands. The results indicated that pampas-deer feeds on a broad spectrum parts and vegetal species. Its diet was composed of approximately 78 different parts, divided in sprouts (38.5%), leaves (15.4%), flowers (17.9%), floral buttons (12.8%), fruits and seeds (15.4%); from 55 different native species and 7 agricultural cultures. There is a great difference in the intake selection patterns between populations in the interior of the park and those that have access to cropland and the opportunity to choose feeding on native or cultivated plants. The agricultural species can contribute with up to 46.9% of deer diet of the park periphery. This work determined the requirements of energy of Brazilian cervids, validated the use of one indirect technique for use in free ranging animals and described the species and parts used to supply nutrients to cervids in the wild.


composto alifático metabolismo animal double-labeled water parque nacional nutritional requirements avaliação nutricional e animal ecologia animal comportamento animal veado brazilian cervids n-alkanes digestão animal emas national park

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