Nos rastros da situação hermenêutica




This dissertation endeavors to trace the fundamental moments that constitute the situation of every human existent in the status of interpreter of the world in general. It is, therefore, an attempt at collecting the traces of the hermeneutic situation. The work is grounded on the premise that the fundamental moments that constitute such situation are, respectively, those of circularity, truth, finitude and historicity. Firstly is shown the circular movement of this situation, whose motility is due to a previous and tacit agreement among human existents as to the apprehensibility of cir-cumstantial things such as they are. For the purposes of this work this environment of mutual understanding will be called common-unity during whose development, it will be emphasized, each existent must assume some positioning. Once we recur necessarily and tacitly to such common-unity to interpret the world surrounding us, the truth cannot become a prerogative of any given person in particular. At this second moment, we will try to show that the experience of truth al-ways begins at and returns to the common-unity, in a circular movement where assump-tions are configured and re-structured. Thus, at a third moment the finite determination of the circular movement of the truth must be highlighted, as the existence of each one person delimits the possibilities of others with whom they co-exist however much his/her existence helps grounding and concretizing such possibilities. However, the inexorability of finitude, as it is also productive, should not result in the simple emptying of the circular experience of truth. At last, historicity will arise in the condition of synthesis-moment, where time will be the driving force of the common-unity‟s movement. Circularity, truth and fini-tude must be structured in a cohesive set of possibilities and in a continuously trans-forming dialogue among human existents. Because of its transforming nature, the her-meneutic situation will reveal itself to be ethical and political.


comum-unidade historicity verdade circularity truth finitude historicidade common-unity filosofia circularidade finitude

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