Nelson Rodrigues e as Tragedias Cariocas : um estudo das personagens / Nelson Rodrigues and the Carioca Tragedies, a study of the characters




This dissertation is divided in four chapters which approach the primarily social reading of Nelson Rodrigues?s dramatic work. Formed of eight plays, the phase called Tragédias Cariocas is characterized by the fact that it gets closer to the audience, be it through a socially conscious outlook (different from the Peças pscicológicas and Peças míticas), be it due to melodramatic aspects. The first chapter begins the study of the plays through their characters by noticing how the protagonists or antagonists release their desires to the extent of changing the directions of the plays and taking them to a tragic ending. Just from the endings regarded as tragic, the second chapter brings this set of plays closer to the Expressionism which, although had already been identified in former plays by the playwright, is now present to a minor extent. In the third chapter I verify the conception of the tragic genre in Nelson Rodrigues, in convergence with the tragic sense. Thus, I investigate how the formulation of the modern tragic takes place in the work of a national author. At the end, I turn to the constitution and consistency of the plays, aiming its aesthetics formation. In this fourth chapter, I study the construction of characters, as well as the construction of the dialogues and of the rubrics, which are essential elements in drama


dramaturgy literary theory brazilian literature literatura brasileira dramaturgia teoria literaria

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