Nadar : modo de ver e viver a agua




The act of swimming has called the attention ofthe contemporary scientific community. To some, the practice of swimminghas the high performance of objective. To others, swimming is a form of therapy and to obtain health. The study was done to find out about and to comprehend the phenomenon of swimming.The discovery is about the physical possibility of people moving in water, the comprehension, on the other hand, is about the intellectual possibilityto understand this phenomenon. The body was integrade to the liquid as if it were part of it by the physical participation at the act of swimming and the noticing, which is a cognitive act. Revealing the swimming phenomenon, wather as being a way of living of mankind was discussed during the study, showing some ofits utilization and forms ofvision. A theoretical reference which allows us to comprehend the course of the realation between man and water was obtained. Taking the participade body as an approach, in the complexity of corporal manifestation in a differential environment, where you have the body as a whole, the study was directed to the bodyness of the water. In this study, the researcher was abstracted by the concepts of swimming, to be able to put himself as a spectator of those whom are practicing. The investigation randomly chose individuals as targets, independent on their objectives with swimming.As means of investigation, the qualitative analisis was adopted as phenomenological tecniques based on the approach of a situated phenomenon



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