Na ilha de Lia, no Barco de Rosa: o papel das interaÃÃes estabelecidas entre a professora de creche e as crianÃas na constituiÃÃo do eu infantil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed at analyzing the interactions between a teacher and a group of three year old children, in a public day care center, in Fortaleza. It focused upon the influence of these interactions in the of childrenâs development of their individuality. The theoretical foundation for the research was the Social Interactionism approach, mainly the theories of Wallon (1981, 1986,1989) and Vigotski(1989,1996,2001). The methodological procedures were daily observations of the selected group and two interviews with the teacher. One interview raised data about the teacherâs professional life and the other explored the content of ten video sessions and four pictures taken during the observations. The analysis revealed that the teacherâs perception of her role is restricted to the development of activities which she considers to be educational, that means, activities related to the childrenâs intellectual development. Thus, activities aimed at developing the childrenâs affective, psychomotor and social aspects are not included in the daily planning and routine. Her main concern appears to focus upon the disciplined behavior of the children. This fact contributes to establishing an authoritarian atmosphere in which few interactions occur. The teacherâs concern with controlling the children in all activities which she proposes has many consequences such as: small childrenâs participation in the choice of activities and the lack of the teacherâs respect to the childrenâ initiatives. Besides, the teacher does not listen to whatever the children have to say. It is also important to mention that the children initiate most of the interactions which are established with the teacher. However, their interest in talking to the teacher does not contribute in a significant way to developing meaningful interactions. On the other hand, it was observed a high number of interactions among the teacher and those children who do not strictly follow her orders. This fact reinforces the idea that her interactions aim at inhibiting undesirable behaviors. The analysis also showed that the day care spacial organization as well as the available materials may influence the interaction between the teacher and the children, but the teacher does mot appear to be aware of their importance to the routine. Probably this attitude is due to her deep-rooted conceptions about her teacher role. Thus, the interactions established between the teacher and the children are contributing to turn children into passive, dependent and compliant human beings since they do not offer opportunities for the children to express their opinions, doubts, ideas and feelings. The influence of the teacherâs social representations in her practices leads to the conclusion that the continuing education offered to the teachers should try to change their conceptions about children, childhood and the role of day care teacher. If continuing education is related to the teachersâ practices, it will provide meaningful experiences for them. Although the interview conducted in this study has not had an intervention purpose, it has contributed to developing, even in an incipient way, the teacherâs critical awareness about her own practice.


care center professores de creches anÃlise de interaÃÃo em educaÃÃo educaÃÃo prÃ-escolar - fortaleza(ce) subjetividade educacao pre-escolar interaÃÃes constituiÃÃo do eu crianÃas professora creche interactions development of individuality children teacher

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