Na estrada dos enigmas, leituras e linguagens - imagem e palavra em cena. / On the enigma, reading and language road - images and words os stage.




On the Enigma, Reading and Language Road - Images and Words on Stage is a study that proposes a reflection on the education of reading and text production teachers and reports on a teaching practice that uses art as medium, thus, calling attention to the need of educators to pass through the world of art. We intend to show how this is possible within our pedagogical dimension, and through the use of the intellectual, artistic, pedagogical, and emotional experiences we acquired as teachers. In Jean Lauands words, it is used "in the way that Spanish very delightfully confuses the word enseñar: enseñar means not only teach, but also show". Therefore, the objective of the first chapter was to outline, through the poetic forms of life, recreated through art, a reflection on the education of the teacher in todays contemporary society. Our aim was to describe how we mediated the educational process in the development of todays teachers, capable of seeking deep inside their souls for the awareness of looking beyond the image, and through this contemplation, find possible solutions for their own enigmas. This was justified by the fact that in contemporary society we note the urgency of developing educators who actually perform a social function. These are educators who articulate knowledge, plan pedagogical activities and carry them out in a truly professional manner, conscious of their responsibilities to the learner who was entrusted to them, as well as to other participants in the social fabric and whose objectives are to provide an aesthetic education which will consequently result in the education of better and independent human beings. In the second chapter, we present a study based on the educators concept of reading, on his/her capacity of acting as a medium in the building of knowledge in his/her students, in reference to reading and text production. We begin with the verification that it is not possible to extract reading or text production from empty space. For this reason, we understand that the role of the educator is to awaken the students awareness to the fact that reading and reflecting on texts written by other authors are basic and fundamental principals for the students own text production, because, reading and technical skills are the driving force to comprehension and interpretation, as well as contributors to the creative flow. In the third chapter we report some reading and text production practices that we developed along with our learners, to illustrate that teaching to produce texts, far from common belief, is not simply transmitting knowledge and defining genres, modes and formal discursive structures. Text production is an extremely complex activity, because it requires that the reader, who later will become a text producer him/herself, first be enmeshed in the texture and structure of someone elses text, to unveil it, so he/she may later create his/her own text, as well as determine the purpose and fate of these texts. We finally conclude that for a writers epiphany to occur, reading must take a leap into life.


produção de textos arte produce texts art read escrita education of the teacher formação do professor reflection reflexão

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