Mujeres jóvenes y ciudadanía en Chile: Una mirada a las nuevas configuraciones políticas


Rev. Sociol. Polit.




Abstract In the context of changes in the ways in which young people are linked with the State as citizens, this paper aims to identify and analyze the distinctive dimensions that could provide greater depth and extent to the category of Citizenship, from the perspective of young women, making visible the particularities associated to their status as youth and women. Using an integrated methodology, this exploratory study carries out the processing of the answers of 156 young women to an on-line mixed questionnaire about citizenship and gender. The vision of rights prioritized by women as citizens is analyzed, the specific issues they consider necessary to push from a citizens’ agenda and special emphasis is placed on situations or areas perceived as spaces of gender discrimination by women, which are usually unnoticed in citizenship studies, which do not incorporate the gender dimension in their analysis. The later allows us to give account for a greater conceptual complexity, to look at citizenship beyond traditional conceptions.

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