Movimento de capitais e crescimento econÃmico: a reinserÃÃo do Brasil ao crÃdito internacional na dÃcada de 90




The objective of this work was to discuss the incompatibility perceived in the economy of emergent countries, more specifically, in Brazil within the free mobility of investments in the account of capital and financial Balance of Payment with the purpose of stimulating the growth of products and revenue The financial opening, independent of the cambial regime adopted limits the administration of the Central Bank to the exercise of the contractionistic monetary policy to attract short term capital and, and also avoid its escape. Such an attitude provokes damage to the productive activities of the country, since businessmen and consumers will have to adjust to the increase of interest rates which tend to progressively augment at the moments of speculative attacks against the national money. The path presented in this work was the suggestion for the accomplishment of direct and indirect controls concerning the movement of short term capital. Less liberty at the same time in which it establishes the conditions for the practice of lower interests, enables more expansive fiscal policy, view the reduction of interests pressure in public expenses, building the necessary conditions to the enlargement of the amount of investments achieved by the government in the economy. Resuming, in Brazil the control of capital would create a favourable environment for the achievement of more expansive monetary and fiscal policies, fundamental for the establishment of the means to achieve the legacy of sustainable development


economia finanÃas internacionais desenvolvimento econÃmico fluxo de capitaisâbrasil

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