Morphological and physicochemical characterization of commercial maltodextrins with different degrees of dextrose-equivalent.


International Journal of Food Properties




Maltodextrins show increasing industrial applications depending on the extent of the starch hydrolysis. This paper reports a relationship between morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of different maltodextrins (A, B, and C) in order to establish appropriate uses. The moisture content of the maltodextrins varied from 2.82 to 6.47% and true and bulk density, average particle size, and porosity of the maltodextrins ranged from 1.14-1.44 g/mL, 0.33-0.49 g/mL, 39.44-289.17 ?m, and 59.70-67.58%, respectively. Spherical, irregular, and filamentous shapes conduct to low values of wetting times. The increase in the DE level of maltodextrins from the same botanical source caused a decrease in the dissolution time. Results demonstrated that products obtained by supplier B showed the best performance and regularity in the dissolution/dispersion characteristics in water meanwhile maltodextrins manufactured by supplier A would be favored by an agglomeration process.


maltodextrina milho mandioca propriedades físicas morfologia

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