Morfologia dos ovos, dos estágios imaturos, do intestino médio e das glândulas salivares de Podisus distinctus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) / Egg morphology, immature stages, midgut and salivary glands of Podisus distinctus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)




The subfamily Asopinae presents a large number of predatory species, including Podisus distinctus (Stal) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) as one of the main species of this genus. These insects can be reared in laboratory and it presents potential for biological control of Lepidoptera defoliators in Brazilian eucalyptus plantations. This study aimed to describe the egg development (postdeposition dynamic), the immature stages (eggs and nymphs) and the midgut and salivary glands morphology of P. distinctus. This species presented eggs with oval to subglobe form, base narrower than the apex; convex circular operculum; 1.09 0,03mm height; 0.90 0.04mm diameter; clavated aeromicropilar processes in a circular row in the egg anterior pole, in number of 16.00 2.00. The eggs of P. distinctus are similar to other species of the genus Podisus, but aspects as color, form, number of aero-micropilar processes, size and diameter can be used to differentiate them. Postdeposition alterations were observed on eggs of P. distinctus after one hour of being laid such as the change on orientation of the spines and aero-micropilar processes. The instars of P. distinctus can be identified based on characteristics presented by them, as number, arrangement and disposition of the abdominal stains and also, morphological characteristics, as total length (measured in the body medium line). Morphometric parameters as the width of the head at the eyes level and the pronotum length can also be used to identify the nymph stadiums. The recognition and differentiation of Asopinae species are easier after the third stadium when form and dorsolateral stains are more distinctive. However, the color is not a reliable character for this. Salivary glands complex and the midgut of P. distinctus are similar to those of other Asopinae species. The salivary system of P. distinctus is formed by a pair of principal bilobades glands and a pair of long and tubular accessory glands. The last one arise from the terminal portion of the accessory duct that suffers a camber. The P. distinctus principal salivary glands presents spherical and smaller anterior lobe than the posterior lobe, which has a prolonged sack form and dilated proximal portion. The P. distinctus midgut wall is formed by a simple layer of columnar cells externally covered by a well developed muscle layer, organized in a tunic composed by overlaid longitudinal and circular muscles. Podisus distinctus also present a bundle of longitudinal muscles along the whole midgut extension.


immatures intestino médio morphology heteroptera salivary glands morfologia entomologia agricola ovos imaturos midgut podisus distinctus heteroptera podisus distinctus eggs glândulas salivares

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