Monitoramento de propriedades de condensados de Bose-Einstein interagindo não ressonantemente com campos óticos via detecção contínua de fotóns




In this work we consider an of - resonant interaction between optical fields and a Bose - Einstein condensation. We used a continuous photo detection model to study the efects of the counting of k photons of the optical field upon the properties of the atoms in the condensate. We have obtained the density operator of the interacting system conditioned to count k photons and one relation between the moments of the distribution of photons and the moments of the distribution of atoms. We analyze the efects of the photo counting in two specific cases: in the first case, we analyze the efects of the photo counting upon the state of a pure condensate at zero temperature and in the second case, upon the tunneling dynamics of a pure condensate at zero temperature confined in an double well potential like.


mecânica quântica interação da radiação com a matéria bose-einstein, condensação de tunelamento (física) fisica fotodetecção contínua

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