Modelos Efetivos para o Elétron / Effective Models for the Electron




We present two models for the electron in classical electrodynamics, which include some effects from quantum electrodynamics. In the first model, the electron is treated as an extended particle owing to the high-frequency oscillations (Zitterbewegung) of its electrical charge. We show that this model predicts correctly the magnitude of the electron spin and it gives the electron the same gyromagnetic factor as predicted by Dirac equation without radiative corrections. In this model, the electron self-energy has a logarithmic divergence due to the extended distribution of its electric charge. In the second model, virtual pair creation around the electron is taken into account by a generalization of the lagrangian for the electromagnetic field that preserves the symmetries of classical electrodynamics. This generalization changes the interaction of the electron with the electromagnetic field at small distances and allows us to evaluate the self-force of a point particle in a consistent way. We show that the solutions of the derived equation of motion do not exhibit self-acceleration nor pre-acceleration, being consistent with causality.


auto-energia do elétron effective theory electron spin self-acceleration teoria efetiva eletrodinâmica regularizada electron self-energy regularized electrodynamics spin do elétron auto-aceleração

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