Modelo de negociaÃÃo integrativa de nÃveis de serviÃo no contexto de governanÃa corporativa de TI




Nowadays, Information Technology (IT) contributes significantly to the organizationâs success and survival. Usually, companies, which have better performance, use an efficient IT governance to support its strategies. The increase in competitiveness, the globalization, the technology evolution, the decrease in costs, etc, contribute to hiring of external suppliers, through outsourcing practice. (Service Level Agreement â SLA is an element which is integrated to the outsourcing practice and to the IT governance mechanisms. A complete and clear SLA is essential to the IT outsourcing success. This study presents a model of integrative negotiation for SLA where it was studied the existent theories about IT corporate governance, negotiation and its application in outsourcing context. The study used a Bibliographic Search in which it was constructed a wide literature review about the thematic focus. The model is relevant because of the fact that is complete a lack of research which associates integrative negotiation principles to SLA negotiation. It was verified that these principles are more suitable in organization which have stable relations over time and where the communication and confidence between the parts result in an element of competitive advantage, contribute to better relationship and maintain the cooperative attitude which is useful to create conditions for mutual gains


outsourcing outsourcing negotiation governanÃa de ti it governance service level agreement negociaÃÃo acordo de nÃveis de serviÃo engenharia de producao

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