Modelo de apoio ao diagnÃstico no domÃnio mÃdico: aplicando raciocÃnio baseado em casos / Modelo de apoio ao diagnÃstico no domÃnio mÃdico: aplicando raciocÃnio baseado em casos




The medical diagnosis is a very complex process that need of an information analysis of several sources. Itâs also an one that involve feeling, reasoning and experience. Therefore, there are many computational techniques are used for helping to make medical decision by medical experts. Among the computational techniques used for the retaining, recuperation and reuse of the tacit knowledge is the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). In the medical area, for example, there are many cases of success in the use of CBR. CBR is a computational technology, in the Artificial Intelligence area, where problems are decided using past cases of itself. This work was developed in the scope of the Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Modeling and Implementation of a Virtual Medical Office Project (IACVIRTUAL), with the UCB Group of Artificial Intelligence involvement. The proposed intelligent system was developed to simulate a Virtual Medical Office conceived to support (i) patients who are interested in following their medical reports, (ii) professionals interested in decision support systems for diagnosis and treatment and (iii) students interested in learning by following available medical cases. Therefore, the objective of this study is the conception of an Intelligent System based in applied CBR to assist the medical diagnosis in the domain of the Cardiology, in the scope of the IACVIRTUAL project. In this context, a methodology is being researched to describe the cycle of CBR to support the Engineer of the Knowledge in the implementation of new illnesses to the system in question.


medicina â processamento de dados; diagnÃstico â estudo de casos; raciocÃnio; sistemas de recuperaÃÃo da informaÃÃo raciocÃnio baseado em casos consultÃrio virtual diagnÃstico mÃdico case-based reasoning sistemas baseados em conhecimento systems based on knowledge sistemas de informacao virtual medical office medical diagnosis

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